Thrush (Oral Candida Infection) in Children
Thrush is a mouth infection that is common in babies and children. Symptoms include white or yellow velvety patches in the mouth. Thrush is caused by a type of fungus called Candida.
Thrush is a mouth infection that is common in babies and children. Symptoms include white or yellow velvety patches in the mouth. Thrush is caused by a type of fungus called Candida.
Some babies have a more difficult trip through the birth canal than others, resulting in physical injuries. These injuries usually are not serious and clear up or improve within a few days or weeks after the birth.
A breast pump is an important piece of equipment for the breastfeeding mom who wants to increase her supply or store pumped breastmilk. Read on for helpful tips about using it safely and efficiently.
Helpful tips for thawing and using frozen breastmilk.
Most newborns adjust well to the outside world. But it’s helpful to know about these warning signs that could indicate a possible problem.
People who are breastfeeding should eat a well-balanced, varied diet and drink enough liquids. Read on for more details.