Understanding Your Birth Control Choices with Dr. Natalie Broadway-Robertson

Natalie Broadway-Robertson, M.D.
It might surprise you, but in the U.S., many pregnancies aren’t planned. This fact makes it so important for women to know their birth control options. At A Woman’s View, we’re here to help you make informed choices about your reproductive health.
Birth Control Counseling: What’s It All About?
“When women decide they’re not ready for pregnancy, they ask me, ‘How can I prevent it?'” says Dr. Broadway-Robertson. “It’s about more than just pills. We offer many birth control methods that work well and last a long time, like IUDs or implants under the skin.”
Tailored to Fit You
“We have a lot of different choices,” Dr. Broadway-Robertson shares with a smile. “It’s rewarding to help women pick what’s best for them so they can have control over if and when they want to start a family.”
All About IUDs
Dr. Broadway-Robertson loves to talk about IUDs and even wears miniature ones on her badge to show different types available. “These tiny devices are placed inside the womb and they’re great because you don’t have to think about them every day,” she explains.
Not Just IUDs
The Implant
“The implant is a tiny device we put under the skin of your arm. It’s super effective and lasts for three years,” Dr. Broadway-Robertson explains. Known as Nexplanon, this little rod helps prevent pregnancy without you having to do much.
The Ring
Another easy option is the birth control ring. “You place it inside for three weeks, then take it out for one week,” she says. It’s simple and you only have to think about it once a month.
The Patch
Dr. Broadway-Robertson mentions a birth control patch, which sticks to your skin and releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. “You use a new patch each week for three weeks,” she notes. Just remember, there’s no patch during the fourth week.
Let’s Talk
Dr. Broadway-Robertson encourages women to ask questions and understand their choices. “I love when women come to talk about birth control. It’s a chance for us to work together to find what suits them best.”
Ready to Learn More?
If you’re thinking about birth control or just have questions, we’re here for you. Birth control is about feeling sure and secure in your decisions.
To talk about birth control or schedule counseling, click here or call (828) 345-0800.