Annual Exams

If you wish to discuss any acute issues with your provider during your annual exam, you may be subject to a copay or coinsurance. Click here to learn more about what is considered part of your annual exam.

At A Woman’s View, we believe in preventive healthcare for our patients. We aim for disease prevention in an effort to maintain wellness, and the annual exam presents a perfect opportunity to explore measures to prevent disease.

Since many women have associated this visit with a pap smear or a pelvic and breast exam, it’s often forgotten that the annual exam is a general preventive health visit. This is a great time to talk with your provider about risk factors for the development of certain diseases and modifications for the prevention of disease. It’s a time to discuss and initiate appropriate breast cancer and colon cancer screening, as well as screenings for osteoporosis, depression and high blood pressure.

For women interested in starting or expanding their families, the annual exam is a perfect time to discuss ways to optimize pregnancy outcomes and prevent complications. For those who want to prevent pregnancy, birth control options can be discussed.

The annual visit gives us the opportunity to get to know each other, so that should you develop gynecologic problems in the future, we have an established relationship. The providers and staff of A Woman’s View look forward to seeing you in times of wellness as much as times of illness.