Teen & Adolescent Gynecology

If you’re going through puberty right now, you’re likely experiencing many changes not only with your body, but at school and in your social life as well. To help you cope with these changes, we encourage you to come in and visit with a gynecologist.

We understand that knowing when to make your first gynecology appointment can be a difficult decision. However, we recommend coming to see us if:

  • You are having problems with your period
  • You haven’t gotten your period yet and you’re almost 15 (or older)
  • It’s been three months or more since your last period

You simply want to know more about how to manage your period or have any other concerns about your health.

Benefits of Seeing a Gynecologist

You’re probably wondering why you should see a gynecologist at this point in your life. However, you need to remember that your gynecologist can help you understand how to care for your body and answer any questions you might have about the changes occurring.

It’s also good to build a relationship with a gynecologist early so she can get to know what’s normal for you. This way, if you ever run into a problem, she’ll know how to help you. Remember, at A Woman’s View, we’re committed to helping you live a happy, healthy life.

We realize that meeting with a gynecologist for the first time may be a little intimidating. However, knowing how to prepare for your appointment and understanding what will happen during your visit may help to calm your nerves.

Preparing for Your Appointment

We recommend asking your mom to come with you. She may be in a better position to help you answer questions about your family’s health history. This may also help you feel less nervous during the exam.

Although you don’t need to do much to prepare for your appointment, we will want to know when you had your first period. Additionally, you should take note of when your last period was and how long it lasted.

What Your Visit May Include

There are several things that will likely happen during your first visit. Before you undress for the physical exam, your provider may want to spend a few minutes with you to get to know you better. She may ask you questions about the state of your health and your lifestyle.

After this portion of the visit is over, your provider may examine your vaginal area and your breasts. Whether or not she performs an internal pelvic exam will likely depend on how old you are and your sexual history.

Going to the gynecologist does not have to be a painful or scary experience. We will schedule you with a provider who is experienced in working with teens so your first visit should be positive.