Routine Prenatal Care

Women who receive early and regular prenatal care are more likely to have healthier babies. By participating in prenatal care, you will become more informed about your pregnancy and become more aware of things you should and should not do while pregnant. You will also have tests to check for infection and other problems that could affect you and your baby.

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We do close for the traditional holidays. If you need urgent medical care when our office is closed, you can page one of our “on call” providers through the Catawba Valley Medical Center operator by calling (828) 324-0258.

Our providers encourage you to take childbirth classes. Hospital tours are also offered for expectant parents. We admit our obstetrical patients to Catawba Valley Medical Center. Call (828) 326-3062 and ask for the Center for Women and Children. CVMC is an award-winning hospital, having won the Women’s Choice Award for America’s Best Hospitals in Obstetrics for multiple years.

Thank you for choosing A Woman’s View. We look forward to taking care of you and helping you maintain a healthy and pleasurable pregnancy.