Prenatal Ultrasounds

1st Trimester/Nuchal Translucency

During this ultrasound – which typically occurs between week 10 and 13 – the technician will measure the length of the fetus to give you a more accurate estimation of your due date. It is performed vaginally – which is called a transvaginal ultrasound. Done in combination with a blood test, this will complete what’s called a “nuchal translucency test,” which estimates the likelihood that your baby will have Down syndrome by measuring the fluid beneath the skin of the back of your baby’s neck. If the test indicates a high likelihood, caregivers will recommend amniocentesis or CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling), which are more invasive tests, but will give you accurate diagnoses.

We encourage you to bring your partner, parent, other relative or friend to this appointment. Your loved one will treasure sharing this special moment with you.

Anatomy Scan

This is the ultrasound many moms (and dads) get most excited about. At about 20 weeks you can find out whether you are having a girl or boy! More importantly, this ultrasound involves a complete “anomaly scan” to make sure your baby is developing normally in all areas. The umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid will also be scanned to see how your pregnancy is progressing. This appointment can take up to an hour, so don’t be surprised if you’re with us for a while. And if your baby isn’t cooperating, you may be rescheduled.

3D/4D Ultrasounds

Allow us to introduce you to your baby! With 3D/4D ultrasound, you can watch your baby’s every movement in real time. Thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to wait nine months to get the first glimpse of your precious miracle.

This ultrasound can be performed between 28-30 weeks of gestation. We offer two packages for you to choose from.

  • Package 1: 15 minutes of pictures and a 30-second video clip of movement for $100
  • Package 2: 30 minutes of pictures and a 30-second video clip of movement for $200

If quality pictures cannot be obtained at your first session, you may return for one additional visit, free of charge.

A Woman’s View would like to note that 3D/4D ultrasound is for fun ONLY. These ultrasound images are not for diagnostic purposes and will not be reviewed by a physician. The 3D/4D ultrasound does not take the place of a medically-indicated scan.